2025 Prices
Price List for Brook, Brown, Rainbow,  Golden, and Tiger Trout

All sizes are  +/-  1 inch
Prices do not include delivery charges.

We have larger trout.  Please call for availability and prices

We offer Certified Copepod (Gill Lice) Free Trout.



Tiger, Golden

1 or More

Brook, Brown, Rainbow

<100 TROUT

Brook, Brown, Rainbow

>100 Trout


>500 TROUT

1 inch

$1.50 each

$.50 each

$.40 each

$.30 each

2 inch

$2.50 each

$1.00 each

$.80 each

$.60 each

3 inch

$3.00 each

$1.50 each

$1.25 each

$.90 each

4 inch

$3.50 each

$2.00 each

$1.75 each

$1.20 each

5 inch

$4.00 each

$2.50 each

$2.25 each

$1.50 each

6 inch

$4.50 each

$3.00 each

$2.75 each

$2.00 each

7 inch

$5.00 each

$3.50 each

$3.25 each

$2.50 each

8 inch

$5.50 each

$4.00 each

$3.75 each

$3.00 each

9 inch

$6.00 each

$4.75 each

$4.50 each

$3.75 each

10 inch

$6.50 each

$5.75 each

$5.50 each

$4.50 each

11 inch

$7.50 each

$6.75 each

$6.50 each

$5.25 each

12 inch

$9.00 each

$7.75 each

$7.50 each

$6.25 each

13 inch

$10.50 each

$9.00 each

$8.50 each

$7.25 each

14 inch

$15.00 each

$12.00 each

$11.00 each

$9.00 each

15 inch

$22.00 each

$15.00 each

$14.00 each

$12.00 each

16 inch

$30.00 each

$20.00 each

$18.00 each

$16.00 each

17 inch

$40.00 each

$30.00 each

$27.00 each

$22.00 each

18 inch

$55.00 each

$45.00 each

$40.00 each

$35.00 each

19 inch

$65.00 each

$55.00 each

$50.00 each

$40.50 each

20 inch

$75.00 each

$65.00 each $65.00 each $60.00 each

21 inch

$90.00 each

$75.00 each $75.00 each $75.00 each

22 inch

$110.00 each

$90.00 each  

23 inch

$140.00 each

$110.00 each  

24 inch

$175.00 each

$140.00 each  

How to order Trout

Prices - Trout are priced according to length.  These prices do not include delivery charges.

Scheduling - All delivery dates and times are reserved on a first come, first served basis. As long as your order date and time is confirmed with us, you can expect delivery. Remember to call early!

Sizes and Species - All sizes and species in stock are also sold on a first come first served basis. We make every effort to catch what you order.

Ordering by #'s of fish - If what you want is in stock, you can order any number of any species, in any size you want.

Ordering with a spending limit - You can tell us what sizes and species you want, and how much you have to spend, and we will catch fish until we reach your limit.  You can do this for any fish, but it is very common when buying large trout because the sizes can be quite variable.

Trout by the Pound - Sorry, but we don't sell by the pound.  Since we are already hand sorting and measuring your trout, we don't feel there is any reason to handle them again to weigh them.


Delivery Information

We guarantee live delivery anywhere in Pennsylvania with our fleet of state-of-the-art delivery trucks.

We have a truck to handle any size order.

Delivery charges are based on the distance traveled, the size of the truck needed, and the difficulty and/or the duration of the stocking.  Call us to discuss our fees for this service.

You have the option to pick up your trout yourself if you have the means to haul them.


Delivery Details

Some things you should know when you have your order delivered.

Safety - This is by far the most important part of the delivery.  The safety and well being of everyone at the delivery is the responsibility of the customer, not the hatchery or it's driver.

The most important safety rule is "no one is allowed to ride on the truck when it's moving".  The customer may, (at the discretion of the driver), get onto the truck to look at the fish or help fill buckets when the truck is parked.

Stocking the Trout - At the stocking, the customer is expected to provide the manpower to stock the trout.  We bring enough buckets on the truck to stock the trout.  Our driver will fill the buckets with water and trout for your helpers to carry.  We can do the stocking for you if it is possible to unload the trout directly into the water from the truck.

Vehicle Limitations - Our trucks are many times heavier than ordinary vehicles.  We will not leave the hard road surface if the driver is in doubt of the conditions, such as soft mud or rough terrain.  We also do not cross streams or ford deep water.  Any costs incurred during a delivery due to poor conditions, (such as towing or vehicle damage), is the responsibility of the customer.  We are very cautious because we just can't afford to have our trucks damaged or unavailable for the next delivery.

Delays - We are not responsible for delays that are beyond our control, such as bad weather, accidents, road construction or detours, etc.  You will find that we make every effort to be on time and most of the time we arrive early.

Rainbow Trout

These trout are native to the Pacific coast but have been stocked in almost every habitat across the continent. These trout are the easiest and fastest to grow. They will do well in any type of habitat, that includes small or large moving bodies of cool, fresh water, and non-moving bodies of water such as cool water ponds that contain enough oxygen. Although if you do put them in streams they may travel up or down stream the farthest of our species to find the habitat they find most desirable. They can also live in the widest types of temperature extremes. They can live in more alkaline (basic: limestone) water pH. These fish are primarily surface feeders, and have a longer life expectancy. They can grow up to 25-28 inches and can weigh over 8-12 lbs easily.

A very unique fact about the rainbow trout is that they are one of the few organisms that can live in both freshwater and saltwater. The area of where a freshwater river meets the ocean contains brackish water. This is water that is created by mixing freshwater and saltwater. The only side affect the fish seems to show is a change in its coloring. This trout must however, travel back to freshwater to spawn. However, if they are found in saltwater they can have a silver hue to them. These rainbows are then referred to as steelheads.

Rainbow trout are the iconic trout that everyone knows when they see it. This fish has a very prominent rose colored lateral line along the side of its body. They can have greenish backs and have blacks spots on their backs and sides.

Golden Rainbow Trout

This fish is a subspecies of the standard rainbow trout. It is the same type of fish but it has a skin color variation. These fish act and require pretty much all of the same requirements as the standard rainbow or steelhead. These fish on the other hand are very good at hiding, which they have to be because they are very easy to pick out of the water. Golden's have the same rose colored lateral line as the rainbow, but the rest of their body is a very yellow or golden colored. These fish also tend to feed at night because it is safer for them to come out of hiding. These fish would be an excellent choice for kids to fish for because they are easy to see.

Brown Trout

These fish are of European descent. They can handle a wide range of temperatures, and they like more basic to neutral water pH. Browns like to stay in deeper pools of water, but they do well in any trout friendly waters. They can be considered an all purpose fish for ponds or streams of any size. These trout are more territorial than rainbow trout, but they will travel to an extent. They are nocturnal feeders who like to wait for their food to sink down before they try to eat it. They are relatively disease resistant. Unfortunately they are one of the slowest growing of the trout species that we carry. They can grow up to 30 in and weigh over 8-12 lbs.

When identifying this fish they are the most plain looking. These trout are brownish in color with dark spots on a lighter background. They may or may not have some orange spots.

Brook Trout

This trout is native to Pennsylvania and is actually a member of the Char family vs. our other trout who are all Salmonids. Brook trout are more tolerent of acidic water such as mountain streams or bodies of water that have a lot of pine trees growing near them. These fish travel the least out of all the fish we have. Brooks tend to stay in the area where they were released into the water. They are great candidates for derbies because of their tendency to bite quickly. They will do just fine in limestone water too. Brook trout are most affected by higher temperatures. The prefer the colder temperatures. They are the smallest of the trout species that we carry, only growing up to 20 in.

These fish have a very distinct color pattern. Their backs have a lighter green vermiculation pattern on a darker forest-green background. They have unmistakeable white edges on their fins and strong red or orange/yellow underbellies. Brook trout have light colored spots, some of their spots may be surrounded by a blue halo.

Tiger Trout

This trout species is the result of cross fertilization of a female brown trout and a male brook trout. The tiger is unable to reproduce by its self, they can only be created. They can handle a wider variation of temperatures. Tiger trout are rarely found in the wild. Tigers are more aggressive feeders, and will fight even harder on the line than any other species of trout we carry. Tigers are best suited for ponds, because they have a strange instinct where they will turn down stream and swim for miles. This makes them a bad candidate for stream stockings.

Tiger trout can have some of the widest color variations due to their hybridization. Tigers do not have white fin edges on their front pectoral fins.